by Shikha Rastogi | Mar 1, 2021 | Podcast
What do you believe? Do you believe this world is a safe place to live or do you believe it’s full of dangers? Do you believe life is very hard or do you believe it gives you exactly what you need to grow? Do you believe you are unlucky, or do you believe during hard times something greater than what you can see will carry you through your life’s situations? Do you believe you have to struggle to make it or do you believe everything will fall in place when it’s the right time? Do you believe you deserve all the goodness this life can offer, or do you believe you are unworthy of all life’s many blessings?
What is it that you believe because it matters what you believe?
by Shikha Rastogi | Feb 25, 2021 | Podcast
Last week the death numbers from COVID in the united states crossed the 500,000 mark and its estimated that around 4 million people are currently grieving the loss of these 500,000 lives.
Although death is nothing new and its part of living this life in human form and chances are most adults have already come face to face with this reality where they may have lost loved ones and have gone through the grieving process, however, its still mind boggling to think about these numbers especially because all of these lives were lost within a very short period of time. The period of time that has been making history around the world!
by Shikha Rastogi | Feb 10, 2021 | Podcast
Have you ever wondered, why do we feel what we feel? Where do our feelings come from? Or why don’t we allow ourselves to feel what we feel?
Maybe you have or maybe not but what’s incredible to me is that as a human society we have spent lifetimes learning about how to make the most money and even spent that same money building walls and getting ready for wars because of all our differences. But only if we had spent a fraction of this energy on getting to know our own selves, our minds and how it operates, we would know that we are more similar than different. We would know that we share more in common than what meets the eye.
by Shikha Rastogi | Feb 7, 2021 | Podcast
- Why do Some of us who are still healthy feel afraid of catching the virus and getting sick?
- Why do Some of us who are not yet sick feel afraid of dying when we hear about the rising deaths due to COVID?
- Why do Some of us feel resentful of others who don’t seem to take this virus seriously?
- Why do Some of us feel like other people have gone too far with this whole virus thing?
- Why do Some of us feel left out and helpless?
- Why do Some of us feel lonely and sad?
- Why do Some of us feel life is not fair?
Although our feelings may change by the hour these days, however, if you look closely at all these feelings, you will notice that they seem to have their roots in fear!
by Shikha Rastogi | Feb 1, 2021 | Podcast
Loving Our Fears podcast is Shikha Rastogi’s way of saying Thank You to this powerful Universe which has been guiding Shikha through the darkness of her own numerous fears into the light of peace.
Through this podcast Shikha would like to share everything she has learned from her own experiences of breaking free from a constant state of anxiety not by fighting with her fears but by accepting and loving them. In sharing her experiences, she wants to give people hope that breaking free from fear is possible. She also wants to show people how it’s possible to still feel peaceful amidst our fears by helping them view their fears from another perspective – a perspective of love rather than fear itself. This podcast is also a gift to her daughter to show her that you don’t need to be someone big to share your gifts to this world!