Hi everyone, welcome back! Last week I examined the various reasons why you are already important and valuable especially when your mind doesn’t think that you ‘do’ anything important or valuable in this...
I understand I should feel more valuable and important but how can I feel that way when I just work at the bottom of my organization and don’t yet earn a six figure salary or hold a big enough title!
Hi everyone, it’s Friday again! Last week I examined a belief about how as a society we try to “do things” or “become things” that make us feel very important and valuable than the rest of the human race and...
I am neither very intelligent nor very beautiful; I am neither very accomplished, nor very happening; hence I am not as much important and valuable as someone else who is one of these things!
Hi everyone, happy Friday and welcome back! Last week I took a detour and instead of examining another belief, I gave you my perspective on what acceptance looks like and what it is that we try to accept when...
What does ‘acceptance’ look like and what it is that you are really accepting?
Hi everyone, welcome back! Last week I examined a belief about assumptions and how a human mind thinks when we are in the assuming mode. This week however, I would like to break away from examining another...
Because this person doesn’t react/respond to me the way I expect them to, they must not like me or not like what I have to say or what I did or didn’t do etc. etc.
Hi everyone, welcome back! Last weekend was an amazing weekend for me because I got a chance to present “How to bring mindfulness into your life” at a local library. Some of you may have already seen this...
If these other people in my life can learn to behave how I want them to behave, like what I like, dislike what I dislike, agree with what I agree with and disagree with what I disagree with etc. etc., my relationships and my life would be wonderful.
Hi everyone, welcome back. Last week I examined a belief about other people’s expectations and how people just because they are human, try to please other people and as a result try very hard to meet their...
I don’t feel my life and I are good enough just yet so I need to keep working very hard to make myself and my life better and I will be satisfied and happy once I accomplish that.
Hi everyone, welcome back! Last week I examined a belief which makes us humans compare ourselves and our lives with others and in the process I also pointed out that we may actually think that us and our...
If I earn more or have more/better material things than my friends and peers, it would mean that I am better than them and that would make me feel good about myself and my life!
Hi everyone, welcome back! In my last week’s post, I talked about money and how so many of us feel the need to have more probably because when we look around and compare ourselves with others, others seem to...
If I can acquire X amount or lots of money and as a result all the nice brands and other material stuff, I will automatically be very happy and all set for retirement.
Hi everyone, welcome back! So far I have re-examined beliefs that encourage you to focus on what’s good in your lives. However today, I would like to re-examine what is it that we all want to have in our...