Hello Everyone! Something has brought you to my blog, so, welcome! That something may be that you are at that point in your own life where you would like to find peace within yourself; or you just want to know what this blog is all about because the title caught your attention; or may be because you know me personally and you just want to check out what it is that I am writing about. Whatever that reason may be, I am glad and thankful that you are here and reading this. For those of you who know me personally and for those who don’t, I would like to give you some insight into who I am and why I created this blog. I am not a guru or a spiritual teacher. I am someone like you who just got very interested in learning to live a more peaceful life almost a decade back because the life I was living wasn’t working for me. Growing up, I was someone who wanted to have an amazing career, who wanted to be different than others, who was very hard working and believed that if you worked very hard to achieve something, that something will be yours no matter what! However, the Universe proved my belief wrong every single time I tried to achieve something. It proved me wrong because in my mind I had a plan for my life, whereas, the plan that Universe had for my life was radically different than what I had for myself. And instead of going with the flow and trusting the plan Universe had for me, I fought. I fought with all my strength until I was empty from within. And that created a lot of stress and unrest in my life. But isn’t that really true for so many of us who are alive on earth today or have ever been in the past. We try so hard to pursue and achieve and strive and gain that we don’t even realize until much later in life that we are not really living, we are just chasing. We are chasing after a dream which we think will give us happiness which is really what every human being is after. Yet, so many of us, even though we have achieved so much aren’t still happy. And you know why? Because so many of us grow up creating beliefs about how we should live our lives, what we should pursue as careers while we are here on earth, what should our life’s path be, how we should behave, how everyone else we interact with should behave etc. etc. But what I have found out again and again is that all these ‘shoulds’ that we create as part of our belief system are a creation of our minds and they hold us back. They hold us back because our thinking is based on all these beliefs and our thinking becomes so limited as a result of them. We are unable to look beyond what we should do and how we should be and create a life for ourselves based on solely our minds. We never really pay attention to how we feel about things, situations, and people in our lives. We ignore paying attention and listening to our hearts even though when we were babies and young kids, our heart is exactly where all our attention was – all the time and we loved being that way because just by following our hearts, we were living in the present! So my attempt in creating this blog is to re-examine those old beliefs and try to look at each one of them from another perspective – a perspective of Love rather than Fear because fear is the reason we have all the ‘shoulds’ in our lives in the first place. We are fearful that if we don’t have all that we think we should have, we won’t called be successful enough. We are fearful that if we don’t behave the way we think people want us to behave, we won’t be liked by those people. And the list goes on and on…Here is a short poem I wrote for myself a few months ago which comes straight from my heart..enjoy and until next time..live life 🙂
I know now what I am is simply magnificent;
I know now what I have is absolutely enough;
My mind, my body, my ego, my intellect;
I love you all no matter what;
I know some days I will be more loving towards you and other days no so much;
But be assured I have my own best interest at heart;
I promise will come back around, it’s just an art that I continue to learn;
Each moment, each day;
I came into this world knowing this truth;
But forgot somewhere along the way;
But I am not angry that I forgot this truth;
Because all that I did unconsciously over the years has brought me here;
Everything was perfect, now that I look back from here;
I just didn’t realize it back then;
As I was busy trying to achieve things that fit society’s definition of success;
I didn’t know I was supposed to allow and accept whatever and however it wanted to come to me;
I didn’t know I was supposed to love myself and just let myself be me;
But now that I know what I know;
I continue to learn to live each day with greater appreciation of where I was and where I am today;
I continue to learn to be full of gratitude towards all that I am and all that I have;
I continue to learn to trust who I am and why I am here;
And because of all this learning and knowing;
I have more time to focus on LOVE today.